Thursday, 14 January 2010

How Not To Be A Dumb Slog Millionaire*

Sometimes you need to step back and examine your motives.  Why do I run around doing stuff that doesn't really need doing and isn't fun?   Am I working to live or living to work? 

I have been reading "The 4-Hour Work Week" by Timothy Ferris - see for details and a great blog. I bought it on a random whim from a bargain bookshop (sorry Tim). The title did its job and hooked me in, but I confess that my first thought was the quote from Wayne's World: "Yeah, and monkeys might fly out of my butt".

Tim's concept of lifestyle design is very thought-provoking.  Even if you are happily cruising in the fast lane of the rat race, I recommend you check it out. Many of the streamlining techniques can be applied even if you don't want to quit your job.

The basic thesis is that stuff you don't enjoy doing should be eliminated or outsourced.  You should focus on your personal "core business", in MBA-speak. This doesn't mean you hang out in your pyjamas and watch Countdown / Days of Our Lives / Neighbours - delete as appropriate. It means freeing your time to do what you want to do, not what you have to do, by making cash creation a much more efficient part of your life. If you don't enjoy your job, why are you spending ten, twelve, sixteen hours a day on it?

Should you wait for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, or make time to enjoy the beautiful spectrum of vivid colours along the way? Since I live in rainy England, I will likely get many chances for rainbow examination.  I'll let you know how it goes.

*The "Dumb Slog Millionaire" nickname was originally coined for English cricket's star batsman, Kevin Pietersen, after some spectacularly ill-advised shots at critical moments.

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